Security guard patrolling involves
Security patrolling guards are the backbone of on-site security. It’s guards in motion, actively checking out and making sure everything is as it should be. Random patrols throughout the day and night make it impossible to predict when a guard might be patrolling a specific street or the park, deterring vandalism or theft attempts.
DDS guard patrolling is built on four key objectives:
Deterrence: A visible security presence discourages criminal activity. Regular patrols send a clear message that the properties are well-guarded and monitored.
Flexibility DDS guard tour system is flexible. A patrol is defined by assigning time, check points to guards. paperless documentation is quick and pre defined and customized to patrolling site.
Early detection and prevention: Guards act as highly trained observers. They can identify suspicious activity, potential security breaches, or even safety hazards before they escalate into major incidents.
Rapid response and reporting: DDS Patrols ensure real-time awareness. Guards immediately report any issues to the authorities, allowing for a faster and more effective response.
What guards do on security patrol with DDS Guard Tour Monitoring System (GTMS)
Guards go beyond a simple walk-through. Guards will conduct thorough visual inspections of fences, gates, building exteriors, and other critical access points, searching for signs of tampering or potential breaches.
They also ensure and check other systems like street light, overflowing overhead tanks, doors locked, fire equipment, cameras, alarms etc. and other security measures as per site needs, are functioning properly and haven’t been compromised.
Documentation: Patrols should involve documented checks of specific areas and equipment. DDS GTMS permit guards to record these checks on a portable device when on Patrol. This allows for a clear audit trail and identification of any issues that require further investigation.
DDS Guard Tour Monitoring System is the only system with patrol documentation.